Thursday, January 29, 2015

Floofy Sleep

Some people need beauty sleep, but I need floofy sleep.  Since I'm a poodle, I have curlicue hair that gets old-lady-perm-frizzy in the rain.  Eek! 

Today I'm having a good hair day, though.  Mommy tucked me into my blankie for morning naptime.

She took a close up of my beautiful curly head (giving her side eye because, hello, I'm trying to get my Floofy Sleep!):

She also got my foot curls, which are the bestest.  They do get lots of plants caught in them but I just chew them up when I get home.

Hmm, looks like I might be due for a mani-pedi!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Whenever Mommy vacuums the living room, she picks up all our toys and puts them in the toy basket.  I get very nervous about this because what if they don't come back out?  However, she does it week after week.  And week after week, I pull them back out, sometimes choking myself to get at a particularly needed toy.

Since Jeff came along, the floor to toy ratio has gone way down.  I used to just get out a few toys and play with them all week long, but Jeff prefers to pull out every single toy.   Subsequently, our room ends up like this:

Clearly, Jeff and I are waiting for Mommy to throw some dang toys for us in this photo.  She decided that taking the picture was more important. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Icky Mornings

On rainy, blah mornings we tend to snooze after morning playtimes.  I'm currently favoring the small couch with one blankie:

Jeremy's still a floor-dweller.  I think it hurts his legs to jump up on the couch, plus he doesn't see well and is afraid of jumping in the wrong place.  He looks pretty comfy, though:

Surrounded by toys!

Mommy threw the ball for Jeff Buckley, but he took it up on the couch with him rather than offering it for more chases.  He knows how to curl up all tiny and cute, I'll give him that:

I hope your day is snoozy-comfy too!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Yin and Yang

I'm curly, he's wiry.  I'm a girl, he's a boy.  I'm mature, he's a baby. I like to snooze, he likes to run around.

However, we both like the blue blankie.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

About Last Night

So this happened last night:

Jeremy and Jeff, consorting with the enemy, aka Auntie Nessa.  But wait, it gets worse.  Much worse:

Much, much worse:

At first I was like:

Death Stare 2015, activate! 
And then I was all, whatevs:


Monday, January 12, 2015


I can't stop smiling when I'm play-happy.  That's happy from playing, natch.  Wanna see?

This Jeff guy is pretty cool.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Mommy promised Jeff that his friends were coming over, then she told me my friend Reba was visiting too!  I was so excited.  I had to visit everyone's lap and also make time for treats.  It was a wonderful evening.  I got so tired I fell asleep cuddled with Jeff on the couch.

My new friend Jeylan took a selfie with me!  She posted it on Nosebook, or something like that.  I have no idea what that means, but it was a cute picture so I thought I'd share it:

I'm pretty darned snuggly.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas Presents

Mommy and Daddy always get me presents for Christmas.  I love pulling them out of my stocking, although I also try to play with my stocking--isn't it a stuffed toy?

Ahem, anyway, occasionally someone besides my parents gives me a gift.  A few days ago, one of my boys (Daniel, I think his name is), presented me with a bag of pine cones!  Actually, that deserves an extra exclamation point-->!

Daddy unpacked them for me and I've already played with several of them, but here're several of them:

They're perfect--how did he know?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year!

Mommy and Daddy came home smelling like fire on New Years.  Fire smells delicious, or maybe that was the s'mores I was smelling.  Either way, wonderful.

We had to stay home.  Poop!  But we did get a nice treat walk car ride this morning, the last morning of Christmas vacation. 

Unfortunately, Snow's mom just picked her up, which means vacation really is over.  Right now I am sulking and cuddling with Jeff on the couch.